Male power: how to maintain potency for a long time.

how to maintain male potency

It is very difficult for men to admit, even to themselves, that all is not well with "man power. "Therefore, a man can only be seen in a urologist's office when the situation has progressed to the point of unbearable pain or complete lack of potency.

In addition, a man prefers to buy another "miracle remedy" on the Internet than to visit the doctor, which only aggravates the problem. But to preserve male strength until old age, it is enough to know a few secrets.

The most important secret is regular visits to the doctor and preventive examinations. Only in this case the disease, the consequence of which is a weakening of potency, can be diagnosed at an initial stage, which means that its development can be prevented with almost 100% guarantee.

According to WHO world statistics, a decrease in potency in 60% of cases is associated with diseases of various organs and systems. In 30% of cases, psychology is to blame: fears and "wrong" behavior of women during contact. And only 10% of cases are associated with external factors that have nothing to do with the disease or psychology.

If the first two factors occur, only a specialist will help, the main thing is not to delay visiting the doctor. If a man is "ashamed" to come to the clinic and indirectly "confess" to the girls at the reception about his male incompetence, then he can look for a specialist and make an appointment with him.

If there are no health problems, but the potency is "no longer the same", then the reason may be one of the following factors.


Alcohol excites desire, but makes its realization impossible. Just 50 grams of strong alcohol a day and your potency will soon stop being the best. To metabolize alcohol, the liver actively uses the male hormone testosterone and converts it to the female hormone estrogen. With age, the harmful effects of alcohol only intensify.

Of smoking

Nicotine extinguishes desire. A long-term experiment carried out by American scientists, in which 3, 000 men between 25 and 35 years old participated, showed that smoking men have sex on average less than 6 times a month and non-smokers 2 times more.

Life behind the wheel

Daily shaking on the road causes poor circulation in the genitals and congestive inflammation of the prostate. If it is not possible to drive on roads in good condition, choose cars that protect against harmful vibrations.


Men should eat no more than 100 grams of soy products per day, as they contain phytoestrogens, which are similar in structure and action to the female hormone estrogen. Its excess harms sperm quality and can cause infertility.


Perfumes and creams, or more precisely the chemicals from the phthalate group they contain, can cause impotence: this was the conclusion reached at Harvard. Use organic cosmetics, treat yourself and your loved ones to chemical-free perfumes.

Power needs to be fed

Take with food "reproduction" vitamins E and A, vitamins of group B, which improve the conduction of impulses along the nerves, intensifying sensations, including sexual ones.

Pomegranate juice contains antioxidants that dilate blood vessels and improve blood supply to the penis.

In California, 53 volunteers between the ages of 21 and 70 with erection problems drank pomegranate juice every day for a month. After this treatment, more than half of them reported that they had a new lease of life in love.

In Britain and Germany, scientists danced with volunteers and showed that dancing improves power. During dancing, blood flows more actively to the genitals. In terms of effectiveness, dancing is compared to the effect of modern drugs.

Daily consumption of 100 grams of dark chocolate per day can improve blood circulation in the vessels and increase desire.

Strawberries and raspberries are the perfect attributes for a romantic evening. These berries are rich in zinc, which is actively involved in the synthesis of the main male hormone - testosterone.

An erection also depends on how trained your muscles are. Hit the gym: physical strength and endurance improve power and libido.

The higher the social status of a man, the more active he is in his sexual life. Promotion increases power, but sudden retirement, on the contrary, negatively affects it.

What about them?

According to experts, around 150 million men around the world experience difficulty getting an erection. Furthermore, dissatisfaction with an erection not only impoverishes a man's sexual life, but also reduces his self-esteem.

Men from different countries have different attitudes to this problem. For the French, for example, the ability to erect is more important than for the Germans. And at the same time, it is among the French who are most dissatisfied with his "firmness": 72%, among residents of Switzerland 61% and in Great Britain 51%.

Doctors' advice.

If you have power, you need:

  • get a blood sugar test
  • check testosterone levels
  • get a PSA test (blood test for prostate-specific antigen)

Monitor your health and visit your doctor as soon as possible.