That such power and as support in the standard?

Sex is one of the most important of the relations between the man and the woman. And absolutely every one of the representatives of the stronger sex knows that such a power and what is their role in the sexual life. The power is an important factor for male opportunities in bed with a woman, it it not only depends on the activity of the men, but their reproductive function, that is to say, the possibility of having children.

That such a power

What is the power?

In order to understand what is the power, men need to know the components of this term. These are: the degree of tension and elongation of the penis, the speed of the erect state, the duration of the sexual relationship and its quality. The power is purely male the concept of gender from the constitution, which describes normal physiological sexual manifestations of the men.

Today, a clear measurement of the norm of male power does not exist. There are No limits and the scope of what should be the penis during sexual arousal, how much time should last the sexual act, how should be the number of a copulative the department of frictions. On average, the medicine accepts the sexual act that lasts 2.5 minutes and more, friction during intercourse can be from 50 to 60.

All the indicators above the norm are considered normal in vigor of the individuals of the body and the temperament of the men, but if the data is significantly below these indicators, you can talk about sexual disorders. One of the experts can say exactly, the power is good, if the man there is a strong desire and attraction towards the opposite sex, full strong erection, which allows man to reach ejaculation and orgasm.

An important factor that can modify the indicators of power is the age of the man. Peak of sexual activity and the high quality of the power falls at the age of 20 to 30 years.

The main causes of their deterioration

In the state of sexual potency and erectile function may be adversely affected by factors, both external and internal, for example, the environment and the ecology, the food and the style of life, bad habits, psychogenic factors, diseases of the urinary system and of the system of the pathology. The doctors say that the good, the power folds with the normal functioning of all organs and systems. In general, the reasons that reduce the power, they can be physiological and psychological.

Psychogenic factors of the descent of power — most often the reduction of power in the background of such reasons, it has been observed in the young guys. The exhaustion of the nervous system, the lack of a good night's sleep, complexes, stress and anxiety, all of this leads to the decrease of the sexual activity. The psychological causes of low power can be the following:

  • excessive physical and mental load;
  • insomnia or sleep less than 8 hours per day;
  • lack of confidence and complexes of men;
  • the failure in the sexual sphere, the first bad experience;
  • the dissatisfaction of your partner;
  • the exhaustion;
  • frequent anxiety and stress;
  • fears;
  • depression;
  • the discomfort of the body;
  • the situations of conflict in relationships and at work.

Low self-esteem, the unfavourable climate in the relations with the woman, the neurosis, complex, all this leads to impotence. But psychogenic impotence can be adjusted with the help of a specialist, eliminating all the causes of their deterioration.

The physiological factors of the descent of the power — disorders of the sexual sphere is seen most often among men over the age of 40 years. In the first place, it reduces the synthesis of the sex hormone testosterone, responsible sexual activity, in the second place, older adults may experience problems in the cardiovascular system and neurological disease which also causes a decrease of the power. As A result of this physiologic reasons for the decrease of the power are:

  • injury of the spinal cord and the spinal column;
  • inflammatory processes in the scope of the genitourinary system;
  • injury in the groin area, and of the organs of the pelvis;
  • cardiovascular pathology, e.g. hypertension, stroke or myocardial infarction, arteriosclerosis and other;
  • excess cholesterol in the blood;
  • endocrine pathology and the imbalance of the hormones;
  • excess weight and obesity;
  • conditions metabolic;
  • systemic diseases, such as diabetes mellitus;
  • diseases of the nervous system, for example, epilepsy, alzheimer's disease, parkinson's disease and others;
  • infections that are transmitted by sexual intercourse.
In the popular medicine

Also in the genital area, I can affect in a negative way wrong image of the life of men, the low degree of mobility, bad habits, lack of power, the abuse of foods rich in fat, the deficit of vitamins and other valuable resources, not of the sexual life.

Ways to improve the power

Before resorting to the help of different drugs, remedies and therapies to increase the power, man must observe some measures of prevention. In the first place, you must leave the bad habits, tobacco, alcoholic beverages, narcotic substances. In the second place, it is necessary to balance the diet, eliminating harmful products. In the third place, the man must lead a life-style, test at the clinic of the presence of disease and infections.

Home remedies

If you notice a slight decrease in power, in addition to the exclusion irritant, man, it is necessary to make non-domestic treatment.

Natural medicine offers several effective recipes for the increase of sexual activity, namely:

  • In a liter of cold water you have to dilute a cup of washed green peas, leave the composition of its infusion in the course of the night. Strained infusion take in a few tricks during the day.
  • The root of ginseng size of 3-4 cm you want to cut, mix with 3.5 liters of vodka, after you stop your infusion during the day. After this tincture take 2 to 3 times a day 50-60 ml Take the tool should be 5 months to the cumulative effect.
  • Drink a bottle of quality port wine, there add 100 grams of fruits of fennel, after which the mixture must be placed in the refrigerator for about 3 weeks. Filtered tincture taken before bedtime for the half of the glass.
  • Take the honey and propolis together in the same proportion, after which every morning in an empty stomach takes the spoon.
  • In two cups of water, dissolve a tablespoon of baking soda, after this step, the tool will take several techniques by day.
  • In the tin can, three-liter bank must grind around a kilo of garlic, fill with boiled water. Insist that the mixture will need about a month, after taking a daily teaspoon.
  • Take 2 tablespoons of the crushed petals of the nut the amount of inflorescence in the canopy of the basilica, as well as 8 tablespoons of horseradish root. The mixture to prepare a liter of hot red wine, wrap up with a cloth, leave to infuse. Cast take the infusion of 100 ml, before each meal.

The popular medicine is a conservative method, which has an integrated beneficial effect on the whole body of men. The important thing is to respect the recipe and the duration of therapy remedies, as they affect gently, assuming of cumulative effects. We interrupted the treatment, can put to zero all the results.


Use medicamentous means for the treatment of impotence problems only after the survey in the clinic, and the destinations of doctor. Help to restore the sexual potency can the urologist or andrologist, the recipes corresponds to the reason for the low power. Today distinguish tablets and capsules for potency, the local application of drugs, injections to the inside of the introduction, stimulating the erection action fast, as well as the natural remedies and the Badi.


Preparations in the form of capsules and tablets easier are transferred by the body, which guarantee high efficiency, but only in case of regular use, as indicated in the instructions.

Hormonal ointment require a careful treatment in accordance with all the indications of the instructions, as well as an overdose may result in the man side effects and even the opposite effect.

Stimulants of the erection of quick action to contain the composition of the components, such as sildenafil, tadalafil, vardenafil or udenafil. Any of these drugs gives only a temporary effect of the same involves strict contraindications and side effects.

The output of

The power is a complex system of sexual functions of men, that is responsible for the speed of the arrival of the erection, the quality and long duration of this state of the penis, for the duration of the sexual relationship, the degree of sexuality and the sexual desire of men, their ability to have offspring. To not lose the power, it is necessary to know all the factors of negative influence. Otherwise, you will have to resort to the popular and medicines to the modes of recovery of the power.