Stimulating the power of men: the synthetic and natural

A full sexual life is essential for a strong half of humanity. Unfortunately the everyday life of vanity, poor nutrition, frequent stressful situations put their mark on the male power, which is directly related to these factors. The violation of the power that can occur at any age. Of such problems, no one is safe.

  • External factors that affect the male power
  • Internal factors that influence the sexual potency of men
  • Stimulating the power in the basis vegetable components
  • Synthetic stimulants of the power
  • Natural and stimulant power

Small flaws in the functioning of the penis often cause panic in the men. Immediately begin to look for the option to recover the potential loss. This explains the wide dissemination of all kinds of stimulating power. Someone uses them in a permanent way, but most of them only have a vague idea.

External factors that affect the male power

On the sexual power affects the entire group of factors. Among the external factors are distinguished:

  • The state of the environment. Adverse environmental situation (dirty air and water, the high background radiation) has a significant impact on physical health. The damage is caused by all the male body, including suffers erectile function, worsening of fertility.
  • Professional factor. The adverse conditions of work, for example, dust to the property, or the presence of hazardous vapors. The breach of security measures may also cause damage to man health.
  • The sedentary lifestyle. With the shortage of motor activity breaks down the reflux of the blood from the organs of the pelvis. The result of the violation of the trophic and the functionality of the genital organs.
  • The trauma. After the injury of the genital organs, in particular as a result of the surgical intervention, the man can lose some of the physical characteristics of a defect or a hormonal imbalance.
  • Stimulating the sexual potency of men
  • Cravings for food. Proper nutrition plays a critical role in the quality of the power. In addition to the replenishment of the resources, energy, foods provide the body with the fuel for the synthesis of sex hormones. For the education of the androgen requires cholesterol, that is to say, animal fat. The man must keep enough fat in the body. As a minimum, the 30% must be fats in the diet of the men, so that the body could synthesize steroid hormones. Cholesterol deficiency leads to depletion of the body and the reduction of power. It is important to consume foods rich in zinc and phosphorus, which are natural stimulants of the power.
  • The stress. The chronic stress and depression negatively influence the sexual power. Being in the condition of mental stress, the man loses interest in life, as a result, the problems in bed. Psychological and physical fatigue, along with the constant lack of sleep depletes the body's reserves, therefore, the man did not feel the desire of sexual contact with a woman, it shuts down the libido, resistance, decreases the quality of the power.
  • The consumption of tobacco, the consumption of alcohlica, dependence of drugs. All the bad habits they cause a great prejudice to the power.

Internal factors that influence the sexual potency of men

  • Diseases of the genitourinary systemwith inflammatory or organic in nature. To them carry not specific to the inflammatory process, as well as infectious diseases that are transmitted by sexual intercourse. In any inflammatory process disrupts the function of the organ, in our case, suffers from the penis. Among the organic diseases that can distinguish congenital, genetic deviation, cancer pathology, as of one's own sexual organs, and in the surrounding area. When the adenoma of the prostate breaks down the backflow of the ejaculate and the urine by the urethra in the channel. If the prostate is not empty and accumulates the secret, this can lead to serious consequences.
  • Diseases of the endocrine system. The violation of the right proportion of men and women of the sex hormones, which leads to the decrease of the sexual activity. The hormonal imbalance violates the proper development of male sexual system. With this condition, such as diabetes mellitus, involvement of vessels, and alters the microcirculation of the blood in the organs of the pelvis. Glycosylation of the nerve fibers leads to the decrease of the sensitivity of the penis.
  • Somatic disease. Heart failure and other cardiovascular diseases are accompanied by violation of the circulation of the blood, which leads to the violation of the power. One of the symptoms of obliterans atherosclerosis of the aorta is the sexual impotence. When the paralysis and paresis of diverse etiology, may decrease the power, until the impotence.
Stimulating the power in the basis vegetable components

Stimulating the power in the basis vegetable components

The greatest popularity among the pharmaceutical stimulant-type power acquired dietary supplements. Most often homeopathic or plant medicine is natural-based. Such pharmaceutical products with considerable success in dealing with the problems of the power, however, its use is recommended only after consulting a doctor. The specialist will help you choose the right medication with the wide diversity.

It is worth noting that the action of the main mass of the company of dietary supplements focuses on the short-term the increased power, but treat the underlying cause of poor erection are not able to. These stimulants the power to improve the quality of sex, significantly increasing the feeling of the men. With security you can apply for a long time, as they do not cause addiction.

The effect of the type stimulant of natural origin is based on the intensification of the circulation of the blood in the sexual organ, which depends on the power. On the counters of pharmacies can find medications you must take the courses, and there are, that are used directly before a genre of intimacy.

Synthetic stimulants of the power

Accept these stimulants before gender of the proximity, and achieved the effect still remains in some period of time. The experiments have shown that the man is not accustomed to the medications, but without the sexual arousal the desired effect, it is not possible to achieve.

In connection with the fact that the synthetic stimulants there are a number of contraindications, these should be used only under the prescription of your doctor. It is not recommended for the receipt of Viagra for men with cardiovascular disease and diabetes mellitus. The side effects of the medicines may manifest itself in the form of headache or lumbar pain, dizziness, nausea.

Natural and stimulant power


For the stimulation of the power to be well suited to certain foods. The nutrients contained in them, have a positive influence on erectile function. These products have received the name of aphrodisiacs. Since ancient times, the people, not without success, used the gifts of nature to increase the sexual power. Excellent stimulants of the power are the following products:

  • Nuts. Contain a large amount of important micronutrients and vitamins. All types of dry fruits are considered as natural aphrodisiacs. The most effective are almonds, hazelnuts and peanuts. Even more the benefits that bring in combination with the honey.
  • Seafood. It is characterized by a high content in zinc of the element responsible for the synthesis of testosterone. To reinforce the male power it is necessary not to forget about the oysters, shrimp, crabs, lobsters, mussels.
  • The flesh. Meat products provide the body with the necessary proteins for the strengthening of the erection. It is not recommended to consume fatty meats. Useful for beef and turkey.
  • The food is vegetarian. Some fruits and vegetables can have a positive impact on the potency and sexual desire. Recognized leaders of masculine strength are the celery, the parsley, the cilantro, the onion, figs, garlic.