Products which improve sexual power – the rating for the men

The decline of the erection and the libido, it is important to review the diet. You must develop a menu for that in useful products for the power. Many types of fish, fruits, vegetables, honey and nuts have a positive impact on those men the desire and the ability.

Products which improve sexual power – what are the most useful: TOP 20

products for the power

A proper diet is one of the conditions of stable sexual function. In ancient times women knew that present at the dinner to the wife to hectic and hot at night.

Medieval men had own recipes, help them to be at the height in the encounter with another queen of hearts. Modern research has proven the effectiveness of the feed products to the foundation for sex.

What positively influences the circulation of the blood?

The mechanism of the onset of erection consists in the saturation of the cavernous bodies of the penis of the authority of the blood. For this process has been going on uninterrupted, you should carefully monitor the state of the system of the circulation of the blood.

There are a number of foods that contribute to improving the activity of the blood vessels and the heart, and also lead to the normality of blood circulation in the genitals.


The main place among the products for the reinforcement of the males of the capabilities occupy the nuts. In the nucleus contains substances which are necessary for the full enjoyment of the sexual activity.

Important dignity – the presence of arginine, an amino acid involved in the production of nitric oxide. Thanks to him, ensures filling of blood to the penis, and erection occurs.

Health professionals recommend to mix several types of dried fruits – the, cedar, pistachio nuts, almonds, hazelnuts and consume with honey. To increase the therapeutic effect will be achieved if there is a core raw, without the prior of the offal. Dishes of meat and fish are also recommended cooking with the addition of nuts.

The highest yield are distinguishable from the pine nuts. Not only do they increase the ability to achieve an erection, but also help the health in general.


Choosing products that increase sexual potency, it is worth considering and Mare. For many, this drink is not too common, however, is exceeded in many respects from the milk of other animals.

The consumption of the Tide allows you to:

  • Strengthen the heart and the vascular system;
  • Improving the indicators of the blood;
  • Stabilize the metabolism;
  • To improve the state of health;
  • To improve the protective properties of the organism;
  • Prevent the aging process.

You should drink 1 glass of Mare's milk after half an hour after breakfast. At the time of aggravation of diseases of the digestive system you should discontinue the therapy.

The products of the beekeeping

The honey and the ambrosia refers to the products of beekeeping, which provide blood to the penis. Its use allows to increase the production of testosterone and provide the male body in protein, necessary to maintain a high level of sexual activity.

The honey can be enjoyed in its pure form, replacing them with sugar and jam and mix with the nuts or dried fruits. The consumption of such a mixture contributes to the strengthening of sexual function.


If you have cancer and graves' disease, you should consult with your doctor before you introduce the products of the beekeeping in a permanent diet, it is important.

The watermelon

On the positive impact of fruits and vegetables in the state of the circulatory system is also known much.

The regular consumption of striped berries provides:

  • The extension to the vascular spaces, which is necessary for an erection;
  • The warning of the malignant tumors of the prostate;
  • The intensification of amino acids of connection;
  • The prevention of the age of the impotence.

The grenades

Positive effect on the functioning of the erectile function is different and the pomegranate juice. The daily use of the drink in an amount of 200 ml helps to significantly improve the sexual function.

The main properties of the pomegranate:

  • The increased spaces in the arteries;
  • The normalization of the blood flow in the penis;
  • The strengthening of the walls of the vessels;
  • The slowing down of the aging process;
  • The improvement of the condition of the nervous system;
  • The prevention of oncological diseases.

Foods to increase testosterone and improve libido

For sexual attraction responds to a normal level of testosterone in the body. Their decline is due to several factors – hormone imbalance, disease, age changes.

When the lack of the development of the hormone can begin eating foods that can help increase your synthesis.


In the first places of the classifications that include products for sexual potency in men, can you spot the oysters. Its unique composition allows:

  • To improve the production of the sex hormone;
  • To intensify the erection;
  • To stimulate the libido;
  • Increase the amount produced by the seminal fluid.

The influence of oysters on the testosterone, ensures the presence in the composition of a large amount of zinc and amino acids. The most useful marine gifts, trapped in the spring, when the clams are actively multiplying.

For therapeutic purposes you must eat marine raw with the addition of lemon juice. However, just as useful in the product, there is a dark side – increase of the content of mercury, so that you should not eat oysters all day.

The turnip

the turnip

Gardener vegetable which is becoming less common in the kitchen, it is extremely useful for powerlifting. With the help of a turnip, it activates the production of sexual hormones, the body absorbs the essential substances, improves the general well-being.

It is recommended that the infusion of the seeds of vegetables or boil it and add as a garnish to roast meat.

To improve the power you can use one of 2 recipes:

  • Grate the same number of turnips, cooked and raw carrot. Mix and season with a teaspoon of honey. Take 70 g / day;
  • Fruit boil 500 ml of milk, grind and mix with that obtained by the cooking. Add 100 g of honey. The daily amount – 1 glass. It is necessary to divide it in 4 reception.

The turnip having to give up the men that suffer from:

  • The hepatitis b;
  • Diseases of the central nervous system;
  • The inflammation of the intestinal tract;
  • Acute cholecystitis.


Beans contains a considerable amount of zinc, vegetable protein and dietary fiber. Essential trace mineral element essential for the initiation of the production of testosterone. The presence of the protein and less fat that allows you to enter the beans in the menu, even men who suffer from overweight.

Recommends to consume this type of vegetable stew or boiled form. If necessary, you can substitute canned beans, in which are stored the necessary nutrients (about this can be read in the bank).

The eggs

According to research carried out in texas, testosterone is produced from cholesterol. Consequently, men must consume products with high content of.

Chicken and quail egg is the best source of this substance, which contains in its purest form. In consequence, the breakfast of 3-4 eggs provides the body enough so that it activates the synthesis of sex hormones amount of cholesterol. To strengthen the therapeutic effect omelette should cook in olive oil, adding the onion.

Lean beef

Lean beef has a positive effect on the level of male sex hormones. In the meat contains protein and zinc – key substance for the stabilization of testosterone levels, in addition, the consumption of the product provides your body the building material for muscle building.

Useful 2 to 3 times a week to prepare steak on the grill. Also the beef act effectively on the health of men, if its stewing, baking, or boiling.

Products that contribute to normal mental and emotional background

The violation of the erectile function tends to nervous over-exertion, stress, depression, mental fatigue.

Before resorting to medications with sedative effect, it is worth reviewing the day's menu to include products for the increase of the power with the capability of normalizing the emotional background. Their systematic consumption can cope with psychological difficulties without pharmaceutical drugs.

The dark chocolate

The chocolate is a known aphrodisiac, has the ability to improve the mood and increase the feeling of love. In the composition of the tiles black contains antioxidants, theobromine anhydrous and free of phenylethylamine, that provide a positive effect on the psyche of the man.

the chocolate

For the curative effect of the power and the mood it is necessary to eat 2-3 square in the day, the surplus of product has a negative influence on health. It is important to choose chocolate that contains not less than 65% of cocoa beans. Of fillers, you are allowed only the nuts.

Of goodies should be leaving the men with hypertension, diseases of the pancreas and the liver.


Some of the fruits-antidepressants — bananas. In these offers:

  • The alkaloid harman – the substance that causes a feeling of euphoria;
  • Vitamin b6 is a component that improves the mood;
  • Tryptophan – an amino acid that contributes to the formulation of the hormone of happiness. In its purest form is used for the treatment anxiety-depressive syndromes;
  • Potassium – eliminates fatigue and stress, strengthens the heart muscle.

You should consume fruits every day, especially the men, whose professional activity is connected with constant physical or emotional congestion.


The oatmeal, which is very useful for the power due to the presence of zinc and L-arginine also has a positive effect on the psychological state. This result is achieved at the expense of the content in the mess of the substance, favoring the synthesis of the hormone of happiness.

In addition, the most important property of oats to reduce the level of sugar in the blood, excess of which negatively affects the mood. The slurry of hercules that is to say, in the morning, pour boiling water a few handfuls of cereal. To enhance the taste of the indicators can add to a dish of fresh or dried fruits, honey, natural yoghurt.


Is present, and lentils at the Top, in which are included useful for the power products. The healing properties of the cereals are the availability of complex carbohydrates increase production of serotonin and folic acid, which the inconvenience that causes depressed and depressive state.

Also lentils, which provide the body with the iron and regulates the level of glucose, which is important for your total well-being. For the cooking of lentils, it is necessary to soak in water for several hours, after adding it to the soup or to cook grains.

Fatty varieties of fish

In the framework of the recent studies it has been shown that at least the emotional background it affects the deficiency of omega-3 fatty acids. Without them gets worse, not only the mood, but also mental activity.

The most useful amount of the substance contained in the cod liver oil-fat and fatty varieties of fish. Just eat plates of it 2-3 times a week to provide benefits of positive attitude, necessary for a good power.

Product, instantly improve the sexual power

There are times that it is necessary to increase the power as quickly as possible. The pharmaceutical market offers a considerable amount of drugs, media-related emergency.

However, not all men who are willing to take synthesized artificially the pill. In this case, help products, on the instant improve the sexual power.


The onion is effective for the rapid increase of the power by the following properties:

  • The increase of the circulation of the blood in the genitals, which contributes to the erection;
  • The strengthening of the susceptibility of the nerve endings of the penis;
  • The promotion of the synthesis of testosterone.

The tool of "ambulance" – eggs with plenty of onion. This dish it is necessary to say, shortly before intimacy, beforehand to ensure refreshing of the breath. To prepare you will need:

  • Finely chopped 2 onions of medium size and fry over high heat until browned;
  • Split into a skillet of 3 eggs and add the olive oil;
  • Add sliced tomato slices;
  • Fry until tender.

Camels stomach

Natural alternative to drugs help in the short term to achieve sustainable erection without additional load on the body. The only disadvantage of consumption of the camels of the stomach – the difficulty of its acquisition.

The first in favor of this product have opened eastern nomadic ethnic group. Men who regularly eat the product data, life-sustaining, improve sexual and reproductive function. Thanks stomach camel nomads often became parents after the age of 50.

Immediate power half hour before sex you should eat a small number of healed stomach enough to swallow the piece weight of 3 to 5 year can Also prepare the tincture of alcohol, can affect the sexual solvency, and drink a little before the close.


  • 100 g cured product of pour 500 ml of vodka of good quality;
  • Insist 2 weeks in the dark and cool.


The celery is responsible for the production of testosterone, and refers to products that stimulates arousal. Kitchen with a large amount of this vegetable because after an hour give a man strong sexual desire. The erection increases, and increases the duration of the intima of the act, the orgasm is filled with new colors.

Additional benefit of celery – a positive impact on fertility. The vegetable that refers to the products, increasing the quantity and quality of sperm. The regular consumption of your food improves activity and vitality of the sperm, which contributes to fertility.

Properly a balanced diet helps men to maintain higher power levels up to advanced age, as well as fight against the first signs of disorders of sexual function. When expressed impotence without the use of drugs does not happen, but the natural products and in this case, it is helpful, thanks to them, the treatment process is accelerated.