Plants for the increase of the power — 10 of the most effective

The selection of the popular tool that have a positive impact on erectile function, the first to come to mind the plants and herbs. To increase the sexual power in men is invented a lot of recipes with the application of the plant components. The result depends on the ingredients and the correction of the cooking. Many bioaadidura, the essence of the work of which is reduced to the lifting of the erection, act in the body of men, through the herbs in the composition and other natural components, such as:

  • Ginseng
  • Epilobio
  • Siberian ginseng
  • Hawthorn
  • Ari
  • Parsley
  • The stinging nettle
  • The lemongrass
  • St. john's wort
  • Thyme


By itself, the plant has a wide use in folk medicine (mainly from china and other eastern countries). To increase the power is often used the ginseng root. Precisely, it contains a number of bioactive substances, which are necessary for the quality of the stimulation of the sexual activity.

The most common method the use of ginseng is the preparation with the root of tincture of alcohol. Even the rulers in the past have used this type of natural remedy to ensure the possibility of a long time to satisfy their women.

The preparation of the dye allows for the use of 50-70 g of raw material. Its flooded with 200-300 ml of vodka or 40 percent alcohol. Beyond tightly sealed container, is left in a dark and dry place for 2-3 weeks. After this period, it is necessary to shake well the liquid, after which it is ready for use. Consume 10 to 15 drops once a day for 1-2 months.

Many of the men for an increase of the power added to the tincture of ginseng in the coffee or tea.

The main effects of the plant on the body of men:

  • The stabilization of the erection.
  • Increase the libido.
  • The amplification of the sensations during intercourse.
  • In general the increase of the power.

Thanks to all of the above traits ginseng is considered the best on the ground for the standardisation of the quality of the sexual activity of the men.

Buy dry the root or the tincture prepared in the pharmacy, which allows the easy to achieve the desired result at an affordable price.



Speaking of the grass, which increases the sexual power, necessarily have to remember epilobio or ivan-tea. The plant, which has enough wide range of positive effects, which are particularly prized by traditional healers.

Important are:

  • An Anti-inflammatory.
  • Calming for the pain.
  • The reduction of edema.
  • The normalization of the microcirculation.
  • The dilution of the blood.
  • The stabilization of the metabolism.

In terms of sexual function of men, then in this case, the most important thing remains the improvement of the properties of the blood with the increase of the circulation of the blood in the area of the pelvic organs and the penis. As a result, the patient noted more frequent and persistent erection.

It is easier to cook with the leaves of the fireweed tea as normal. The regular consumption of this drink contributes to a substantial improvement of the sexual power in men.

But in this the plants improve the sexual power does not end, the men who want to improve their chances of sexual expect many more than interesting!

Siberian ginseng

Natural stimulant of the libido — The siberian ginseng. Their efficacy is very similar to the ginseng, the provision of similar impact. The regular consumption of products from siberian ginseng promotes the stimulation of the erection.

The most essential components of the plants, which are responsible for the normalization of the sexual function, are vitamins, trace elements and other bioactive substances, which enter into its composition.

To prepare truly effective infusion of herbs to enhance sexual potency in men it is better to use a herbarium collection. However, it is important to build the most effective of the plants.

Justified is a complete application:

  • ginseng;
  • of siberian ginseng;
  • hawthorn.

A "bouquet" to contribute to the good increase of the sexual power in men of any age. Consuming an infusion or decoction of these plants is necessary regularly for at least 1-2 months. Before waiting for the result is not worth.



Specifies a little more, the rate of herbs for the strengthening of the power contained in this plant such as hawthorn, which is also famous for the properties of a powerful aphrodisiac.

Especially useful for men, who in parallel suffer from the pathological fluctuations of the blood pressure. Hawthorn contributes to the aclaracin of the blood, the tone of the smooth muscle fibers of the vessels. As a result the normalization of the circulation of the blood in the organs of the pelvis.

The main positive effects, the development of regular use, the hawthorn, are:

  • the stabilization of the erection;
  • the renewal of the sexual act;
  • the improvement of the functional activity of the prostate with the reduction of edema of the gland with the presence of inflammatory process.

Hawthorn, must be included in the lists containing the medicinal herbs for the power and the renewal of the sexual relationship.


The rapid increase of the power possible with the help of the application of this medicinal plant as the apr. For the stimulation of the sexual function is mainly used for its root.

Refers especially potent natural substances, therefore, take medications, and the tools based on the aira must be consistent with your doctor.

The easiest and effective consumption of the root of this medicinal product for the increase of the power is simple to boil a tablespoon of the raw material in a glass of boiling water.

You can also prepare the tincture of the root of calamus, to do this:

  • 100 g of root fill in 500 ml of vodka.
  • Leave everything to infuse in a dark place for a month.
  • Filter tool.
  • Employ 50 to 100 drops directly before the sexual act.

With the help of a simple but effective popular of the drug thousands of men all over the world were able to increase the sexual power.


Men often wonder if there are herbs to immediately increase the power? No, it is not. Especially if you talk about the development of an effect on a term of up to a half hour. The same medicinal plants are different from the modern drugs, which can provide the offensive erection in a very short span of time, that work relatively slowly.

More often to achieve the necessary result in isolation using a type of grass, in the period of one or two months. A perfect example is the normal parsley.

Many have heard of its positive effect on the organism of men. The increased power is achieved with minerals, vitamins, tannins and esters of which they are part.

To achieve the just result should be used with more frequency the parsley for the preparation of culinary dishes.


The stinging nettle

Useful for the potency of the herb you must include in your list of known by all of the stinging nettle. It is a versatile product that has found extensive use in folk medicine.

The stinging nettle is difficult to call a specific stimulant of sexual activity, however, can significantly improve the effectiveness of other drugs.

The main of its positive effects remain as follows:

  • An anti-inflammatory.
  • The reduction of edema.
  • The normalization of the microcirculation.

The list of features of impacts of the nettle reminds of other herbs, which determines the same beginning of its use to achieve the end result.

The lemongrass

Natural stimulator of the sexual activity, which has an overall tonic effect for the whole body - lemongrass. What they want to use for the rehabilitation of the patients after the stress or depression because of the good impact on the nervous system.

It is precisely this particularity of the lemon grass makes it so popular in the correction of sexual activity.

Bioactive substances, which enter into the composition of plants, contribute to:

  • The improvement of the holding of nerve impulses to the member at the brain.
  • The normalization of the microcirculation.
  • Increase the effort.
  • The standardization of the general conditions of the organism.

All of this allows you to apply alcohol of the tincture of water, broth of lemon grass in a permanent way with the achievement of a good final result in the treatment of erectile dysfunction.

St. john's wort

The grass, which is worth to use for the normalization of the power only in combination with other similar plant - st. john's wort. In itself has a negligible effect on the sexual activity, but significantly increases the efficiency of other media.

It is best to prepare the herbal teas, infusions and decoctions with various medications to the representatives of the flora. The first results are expected not before a month. Therefore, it is worth to prepare for long enough the therapy process.

In general, st. john's wort helps to a man:

  • normalize the functioning of the cns;
  • a little to raise the level of the testosterone;
  • to improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system.


The grass, which has an integrated impact on the whole body - the thyme. The cap on the increase of the power is made in the spermatogenesis. In thyme many of zinc, which is one of the main components used by the body for the synthesis of the sex cells.

Therefore, the more the better. Therefore, many doctors recommend that you consume broths, thyme on a regular basis. This will help to improve the quality and increase the quantity of sperm.

It is evident that the fact that the herb improves sexual potency, they have a wide variety of representatives. Its use is justified in the therapy of the problem. Regardless that may have the desired effect only with the condition of weak degree of severity of the pathology.

Thyme is easy to prepare the broth for the improvement of the erection:

  • pour boiling water (about 350-400 ml) 20 g dry raw materials;
  • leave to rest for 1.5-2 hours;
  • strain the liquid.

You must take a minimum of 2 times a day, 15 minutes before the meal, 50-75 mg for two or three weeks. Further, it is recommended to do a month of rest.