How to improve sexual power?

Disorder of erectile function – disease, in which the man is difficult to admit, even to himself. Therefore, many people prefer to find information on how to increase the power of the house and be guided by the recommendations received. It is important to understand that when they express signs of sexual weakness you should go to a doctor, it is possible that the cause of steel somatic disease, require urgent treatment.

The power

What is needed for a good power?

The power is composed of 2 factors: the availability of the libido and the ability to achieve an erection. The first half of sexual desire, than the desire of proximity, interest, intimate life. In his absence, by the possibility of the erection not has value, because man is lost an emotional need in the sex.

The erectile function of the genitals means solidification penis in the situation that you have to intimate.

By the normal level of the libido are:

  • High levels of testosterone. For their maintenance you should provide the body with enough amount of zinc, active, exercise, sleep well;
  • Stable psychological state. Depends on the ability to resist stressful factors, minimize conflicts, the good night's sleep.

Physiological capacity of erection is guaranteed:

  • The health of the vessels. To do this, you should reduce the intake of fat and control the cholesterol level, in order to avoid sclerosing of the veins and arteries;
  • The lack of infections. The full functioning of the prostate gland and other organs of the urinary system, gives you the hardness of your penis in an intimate environment.

Why is reduced the men's "power"?

The medicine apart from the crowd of indispensable conditions for the development of erectile dysfunction. A part of them are related to organic changes in the body, the other half is the emotional blocks. Long-term exposure to man, even one of the following factors can affect the basis of sex.

The sedentary life

Often the sexual impotence is associated with vascular disease in diabetes, and also to the pathology lead:

  • The accumulation of cholesterol plaque in the walls;
  • Chronic increased pressure;
  • The disease of the heart muscle;
  • The operation of the organs in the abdomen;
  • The injury of the peritoneum and genital organs;
  • A large quantity of cigarettes smoked and alcohol addiction;
  • The changes caused by aging;
  • The propensity is genetic;
  • The lack of sleep;
  • The sedentary life.

The second group of reasons – androgenic deficit or lack in the body of testosterone, often after the age of 45. In the reduction of the synthesis hormone affect:

  • Age;
  • The increase in the production of prolactin;
  • Pathology of the endocrine system.

Also among the premises of the impotence, it can be pointed out:

  • Infectious diseases and inflammatory diseases of the prostate and other diverse organs of the urinary system;
  • The presence of excess weight;
  • The long-term use of drugs and sport supplements, are particularly dangerous anabolic steroids, pills for hypertension, tranquilizers;
  • The pathological changes of the nerve fibers;
  • The chemotherapy and the radiation exposure
  • Recent in the contaminated soil environment;
  • Professional activity related to the harmful of the production.

Psychological issues and personal also, sometimes, cause sexual impotence. Psychogenic impotence – a result:

  • Stay in constant stress;
  • Feelings of chronic fatigue;
  • Waiting for the next failure;
  • Feelings of chronic fatigue
  • The low self-esteem;
  • Has formed negative attitudes towards women;
  • Phobias and fears;
  • Excessive and prolonged excitement;
  • Injuries of a sexual nature;
  • "Boring" sex;
  • Habits of a partner;
  • Too frequent contacts;
  • The lack of experience;
  • The fear of contracting the infection or to facilitate the pregnancy of the partner;
  • Constant conflicts with his wife or girlfriend, relatives, co-workers;
  • The difficulties of life;
  • The dream to be insufficient after the birth of a small child.

How to increase the power of the natural ways of a man?

First of all, of course, to the modes of recovery of the sexual function refers to the correction of life-style. To increase male power in the home, it is necessary to thoroughly review the daily ration. It is important for the body to receive the sufficient amount of micronutrients, vitamins and amino acids, which will ensure a high level of testosterone, the normal circulation of the blood and immunity.

Wife must feed her husband with the following products:

  • Nuts and honey.
  • The meat of the diet of varieties;
  • Vegetables (need to eat raw, fried or cooked);
  • Berries and fruits in fresh or dried;
  • The different types of fish;
  • All varieties of shellfish;
  • Sweet and sour dairy products;
  • Dark chocolate – enough to eat 2-3 square;
  • The green is especially important in the parsley;
  • Of the spices, where the first place is the garlic and the pepper, however, before leaving the first should be replaced by something more fragrant.

The second way is physical activity. Doctors recommend:

  • Regularly at the gym;
  • Do short-haul;
  • To enroll in the pool;
  • Master the spiritual practices. Some of the asanas of yoga a very positive impact on the level of the power.

In addition to these exercises every day to meet the complex of exercises to strengthen the foundation for sexual. First of all, it is a method of kegel. It is the way to develop the muscles power. Its main advantage – possibility of exercise at any time and in any place.

You must choose a number of exercises and perform every day, gradually increasing the work load. High, although not immediate, the results show the following elements:

  • Squats deep;
  • The rotation of the ring;
  • The tension in the muscles of the anus;
  • To convert the rotation of the direct action of the feet from the lying down position;
  • The swinging of the pelvis;
  • The rotation of the hips with the maximum amplitude;
  • The implementation of a "bridge" from the position of lying down on the ground";
  • Leans forward;
  • Step in a place with high raising knees
  • The retention real or imaginary of the ball when using the tension of the muscles of the buttocks;
  • Rapid retraction of the belly;
  • The formation of rings into account the connections of the hands and feet.

An additional method to the they often turn to the strengthening and standardization of the processes in the body – herbal medicine. Decoctions of herbs infused in the water, the plants, the recipes for the cleaning cloths with alcohol-spirits, help to strengthen the power, the health, the firm's consumer, in addition – refer to drugs, that you can drink without risk to health.

For the preparation of the remedies, it is advisable to apply:

  • Ginseng – increases libido, increases stamina, increases the duration of an act of proximity;
  • The air – normalizes blood circulation and is involved in the treatment of urological diseases;
  • St. john's wort – active attraction, it stabilizes the emotional state, relieves psychological unit;
  • Galangal – prevention of inflammation of the prostate, improves the mood, has a positive effect on the vessels;
  • Nettle – intense increases the synthesis of testosterone and the cure of the disease of various of the urinary system;
  • Hawthorn – stabilizes the erectile function, beneficial effects on the heart muscle, helps to prolong the sexual act;
  • Fenugreek-natural stimulant, aligns the psychological state, resolves androgenic deficit;
  • Rose of rhodiola – increases the desire, increases the immune defense of the body;
  • Thyme
  • Thyme – improves erection thanks to its special composition, contains organic acids and vitamins complex;
  • Ivan-tea – is useful for the chronic prostatitis, warns the tumor, stimulates the production of sex hormones;
  • Parsley – normalizes the hormonal balance and the responsible for filling of blood to the corpora cavernosa;
  • Lemongrass – prevents exposure to the stress and increases the conductivity of the nerve-centres;
  • Siberian ginseng – this is similar to the impact with the ginseng.

Other approaches

To increase the potency in men, you can go for the massage. It highlights the impact on the sexual organs, the prostate and body massage. Massaging the penis and testicles really provides a powerful blood flow, so it starts solidifying.

The specificity of prostate massage, the reality is that at the time of the manipulation occurs an involuntary loss of excitation. In addition, these procedures are very useful for the prevention of inflammation, glandular of the authority.

Massage initiates the process of emotional and physiological arousal. According to the opinion of chinese doctors, procedures, it also increases the fertility. It is recommended to intensify the bio-in the area of:

  • Stop;
  • The wrists;
  • The sacrum;
  • The solar plexus.

The erotic massage not only contributes to the improvement of the power, but also improves the couple's relationship, adding in the relations of the new paint. Women can learn the basics of the technique thai, including:

  • The use of incense and the game with the lighting;
  • The impact of the whole body, not just the hands;
  • The use of feathers, ice cubes and other paraphernalia.

When the need to achieve an erection as quickly as possible, you can resort to the natural means of emergency:

  • Walking barefoot on the ground, and the best of the grass;
  • The grip of the mustard to the feet, which activates the reflexes of the area.

The stabilization and strengthening of the sexual function is possible with the help of baths. In the hot water should be added to the cooking of laurel or of other medicinal plants. In addition, it is useful to refer to the essential oils.

They are known the properties aphrodisiac ylang-ylang, sandalwood, amber, nutmeg, sage, rose, jasmine. Essences should be mixed with honey, cream, sea salt. The same esters it is recommended to pour in the fragrance lamp, or sprayed with the expert help of the membrane.

The influence of the potency in men

In the sexual activity and the power influences a number of factors. Some increase the solvency, others on the contrary negatively affect erectile function. To maintain the sexual stamina, you must know exactly how to organize the own life-style chart.


Positively in sexual activity affect:

  • Activity, sport, loaded, newspapers, heating, if the professional activity related with hours stay in the chair;
  • A proper diet – every day should consume meat or fish, vegetable, vegetables, seafood. They are very necessary products such as honey and nuts, the chopped parsley;
  • Scheduled visit to the clinic. The annual check-ups help to detect the disease at an early stage, which accelerates the curing of any pathology.


Sharply negatively influence the validity of the following factors:

  • The violation of psychological background. Prolonged stress, fatigue, the development of depression, anxieties, phobias leads to the reduction of the basis of sexual;
  • Weak physical development. Flaccid muscles, low activity causes the impairment of the circulation of the blood. The excess fat of the intermediate layer, razbalansirovat the proportion of men and women of the hormones;
  • Negative habits. Drugs, tobacco, ethanol, causing disease of the blood vessels and impair seriously the overall health;
  • Infectious diseases. Viruses and bacteria contaminate the body from toxic substances, are of the authorities, reduce the absorption of nutritional elements, which ultimately weakens the erectile function.
Weak physical development

As to keep a powerful erection to old age?

Men who aspire to retain the power of sexual intercourse before the age advanced, the doctors advise:

  • Appropriate to treat the acute disease and maintain remission of chronic diseases;
  • After 50 years of controlling the levels of glucose, cholesterol and blood pressure;
  • Consult your doctor if you have mental health problems;
  • Support the standard of weight;
  • Prevent the return of harmful habits, if any;
  • Sleep at least 8 hours per day;
  • Deed of trust to speak with your doctor of any difficulties with impotence;
  • Conceive carefully the menu of the day;
  • As prevention is allows the newspaper of the reception of the means on the basis of medicinal herbs or plant products (a company of dietary supplements);
  • Resort to be composed of opposing lines soul or sedentary baths.

Important: after 60 years of punctures that occur from time to time, it is simply the result of the traits of an organism. In this case, it is recommended to analyze the situation with a partner and concentrate on finding a bit of other type of experiences in the framework of the intimate life.