Home remedies for the recovery of the masculine force

Previously, it was believed that the sexual characteristics of men are the criterion of its strength and virility. According to the statistics, it is known that around a third of the representatives of the stronger sex have decreased sexual potency and libido. But if before this problem found in most elderly men, now the problem does not go long until young. The thing is that the multitude of negative factors (stress, tobacco, alcohol, tiredness, excess weight, disease) have an impact on the male body. If the problem appeared for the first time, it is worth trying to deal with the help of the recipes of alternative medicine. We will explain how to retrieve the masculine strength remedies.

That are worth following before you start the treatment

Before you restore the masculine strength remedies, it is necessary to correct some areas and features of the life of men. Only then, the popular tool for masculine strength will give the maximum effect. First of all, for the recovery of the power that a person must learn to relax and rest. The thing is that due to the constant surge of the nervous system at the bottom of the depression, the stress, the muscle fatigue, the system can not relax, and the entire body unable to function correctly.

The council! Before you return the masculine power, the man must become the way of healthy living. It is important to eat well, exercise, stop drinking alcohol and cigarettes.

To restore sexual potency, you must set the production of testosterone. This active hormone produced male by the agency only on condition that you get the enough quantity of fats of animal origin. That is why each one of the representatives of the stronger sex should consume daily meat products. Especially useful is the beef liver, the beef and the flesh of birds.

The power gain occurs when the consumption of foods considered aphrodisiacs natural:

  • the fish;
  • the melon and squash;
  • the onion and the garlic;
  • seafood;
  • the celery;
  • nuts;
  • the cottage cheese;
  • the parsley;
  • the cumin;
  • fruits and vegetables with a high content of zinc and vitamins of the Century

Only after this, effectively, increases the strength of male remedies, different medicated and the medications. We list the most popular and effective home remedies for the masculine force.



Several medicinal herbs and charges are able to restore the sexual potency is not worse than that of drugs. Their action is directed toward the expansion of the blood vessels, improve blood flow and relaxation of the smooth muscles. These medications usually do not produce side effects and have few contraindications. When you use any popular tool of pre-a worthwhile visit to the doctor, since the reduction of the power is sometimes in the background of dangerous diseases.

How Popular tool for men and women the power to choose, to decide only a man. We will describe the most popular recipes:

  1. Return to man the force will help the cooking of the root of ginseng. To do this, 100 grams of raw material of two days insist in half-liter of water. After this, the mixture boil on the fire for 4 hours In the course of the cooking time, add cinnamon and a tablespoon of honey. The cooking of the 110 ml three times after eating.
  2. For the strengthening of the male body and the elevation of the power useful to use an infusion of thyme. Slurry of raw materials, insist in boiling water (0.2 l) ½ hours. Produced with the infusion drink during the day. This type of treatment continue to six months. This home remedy is especially useful for men's health, as it contains zinc which increases the production of testosterone, activity of spermatozoa and sex of human capabilities. The thyme since ancient times, are applied for the prevention of adenoma, prostatitis, and impotence.
  3. The increase in power worth is the root of calamus. Small pieces of the root of a plant they chew during the day not more than three times. Also from the raw materials prepare the tincture of alcohol in a proportion of 1 to 5. Is configured of two weeks in the dark and take 30 drops 3 p/d. of the Therapy of the course is 1 month.
  4. No less effective in the treatment of this disease is the tincture of dubrovnik. For their preparation, 75 grams of the herb mixed with a liter of water and insist in a couple of days. Accepted by 100 g three times over the course of 45 days.

Often, in response to the question of how to retrieve the masculine strength remedies, alternative medicine recommends the use of tools based on the stinging nettle:

  • the water of the tincture dioecious nettle is prepared: 15 g of raw material prepared in boiling water (0.25 l), insist on 1/3 hours and is filtered, taken before meals of 50 g 3 p/d;
  • prepare a collection of nettle, clover, mint and st john's wort at the same rate, 20 g of mixture, pour in the boiling water (500 ml) and insist on a time, after you strain the drink of 50 g a couple of times a day;
  • to increase libido to crush the seeds of nettle and mix 10 g of raw material with a tablespoon of honey and a glass of wine, to be taken before the evening meal;
  • it is useful to eat fresh leaves of nettle in the form of salad, with egg and onion;
  • the plantain cooked with crushed seeds nettle is a tool for the concept of power.

Other recipes

The herbal medicine is not a popular tool for masculine strength. There are many recipes on the function of other products:

  1. Powerful stimulating male force is the honey. It is helpful to mix with the juice of carrot, ginger, red wine and nuts. Another recipe: walnuts – the pound, the juice of scarlet – 100 milliliters of honey – 300 grams. The nuts you can substitute the red wine. The tool insists a couple of weeks, after which accept it by 50 g before meals.
  2. Ginger
  3. Quick and stimulator of masculine strength are prepared from a base of white wine. In a litre of wine poured the juice of one orange (0.25 l) and 125 ml of lemon juice. Then put there 30 g honey, 15 ml of liquor, cardamom, clove, cinnamon and mint. The mixture heated up to boiling and give it rest in the refrigerator for three days. After you strain the drink before the sexual act.
  4. To the useful power chew daily for three cloves of garlic.
  5. Pumpkin seeds a long time ago are famous for their ability to increase masculine strength. Improve the production of sperm and the activity of the reproductive system of men.
  6. It is useful to make a honey puddle in the sexual organ. To do this, 200 g of honey diluted in a liter of water. In the solution to wet the napkin and put it to the authority in 10 minutes two times a day.
  7. To improve circulation and blood flow to the male genitals is useful to put mustard on the soles of the feet.

Also the increase of the power you can cook the hot wine. In the mixture of prunes and apricots (100 g each) add 20 g of sugar, cloves, cardamom and cinnamon. All of this pours red wine (1 bottle) and tormented over low heat for ½ hour. The tool is useful to drink for the night, before you eat or before you have sex.