The list of the 26 products excellent, instantly and in a period to increase the sexual power in men

Consider the 26 products that increase sexual potency in men at the moment or for a minimum period of time.

They all contain a complex of essential vitamins.

1. Oysters


Advantages in the fact that:

  • this product helps to slow fast to the finish line on the bed.
  • triggers the production of testosterone;
  • boosts the health of men;
  • it increases the libido.

There are rumors that Casanova liked to eat breakfast of 50 oysters of the morning and loved this meal.

Not recommended for people suffering from gastritis or diabetes.

2. Some species of marine fish

Especially distinguished:

  • plaice (used on many types, in addition to the barbecue, and has positive effects on the combat readiness of the authority);
  • the mackerel in boiled (it increases the libido, male hormone, that it is phosphorus).

It is better to choose the fish of the sea, that the water of the river, as the most rich in nutrients and minerals.

3. The turnip

Why is it useful:

  • useful amino acid;
  • same seeds of vegetables improve the libido and the libido.

Therefore, the turnip, and refers to the list of products for sexual power in men, useful, and easily accessible in the market.

Only that it is not recommended to people with diseases of the nervous system or the hepatitis.

4. The lemon and the orange


  • Yellow fruits and oranges, colors have lutein, which increases the levels of testosterone in the blood.
  • They increase the libido of a man.

5. The stomach of a camel

It is enough to accept in advance prior to the close proximity, and the effect of not to expect.

The only disadvantage of only in the sense that it can be difficult to find.


  • do not have damage;
  • feel the effect of the receipt, in small amounts 2-3 grams;
  • increases the working capacity of the genital organs;
  • increases the duration of sexual intercourse.

6. Mussels


  • increases the amount of seed;
  • becomes more male hormone in the body;
  • contains a high amount of zinc, the desired, the stronger sex.

7. Seafood

  1. squid;
  2. cancers;
  3. shrimp;
  4. the meat of manta rays and sharks.


  • to improve strength male, the attraction towards the opposite sex;
  • contributing to the development of the seed;
  • contain zinc and selenium, which improve the resistance to the beloved.

8. Quail eggs

Quail eggs can be consumed raw, do not have damage.

You can also make an omelet with the seasonings of the vegetable.


  • contain phosphorus and amino acids;
  • increases the level of libido and the sexual desire;
  • the improvement of the erectile function of the organs.

Therefore, quail eggs are also included in the list of products that influence the power of men in a positive way.

9. Bananas

What are useful:

  • prolong intimacy with the beloved in the bed.
  • a positive impact on the preparation of the authority;
  • improvement of the reproductive function.

10. The products of the beekeeping

  1. The ragweed.
  2. Honey.


  • the high content of protein, necessary for the rich intimate life;
  • improving the entry of blood into the manhood, normalizes the blood flow;
  • they contain fructose and glucose;
  • helps in the production of testosterone.

From here you can safely say that the honey and other apiculture products the answer to the question about what foods increase the potency in men from the list of available victual.

They are contraindicated in people who suffer from cancer and diseases graves' disease.

The chocolate

11. The chocolate

What it does:

  • Contains a special of a chemical that causes a feeling of love in the human being.
  • It improves the circulation of blood.
  • It increases the libido, the level of testosterone.

It is better to take the dark chocolate (the percentage of cocoa not less than 70), and is more bitter. Here does not fit into white or milk chocolate.

12. The watermelon

It is useful because:

  • dilates the blood vessels, which improves the preparation of the authority;
  • activated amino acids in the body;
  • the prevention of prostate cancer;
  • recommend the of impotence, and menopause, which occurs in the stronger sex with the age.

13. The avocado


  • regulates the secretion of hormones;
  • contains folic acid - enhancer of libido.

It would be an exaggeration to say in a loud voice that the avocado is a product to increase the sexual power in men of instant action.

The effect will be, simply, not all at once. All the necessary time.

14. The grenades


  • Improving the entry of blood into the manhood. Other ways to speed up the circulation of the blood in the body wrote in a new article.
  • The grenades dilates the blood vessels.
  • Used as prevention of prostate cancer.
  • If drinking pomegranate juice during the month of 200 ml, since this will be a remarkable effect on the bed.

15. Some berries

  1. Bilberry (increases libido, improves blood circulation and develops the preparation of the dignity).
  2. The raspberry (improves stamina in bed, it promotes the production of testosterone, recommended for the treatment of infertility).

16. Of meat dishes and he

Does the flesh distinguished:

  1. bullish or rams testicles (exotic dishes);
  2. meat of equine animals;
  3. rabbit;
  4. turkey;
  5. beef;
  6. chicken.
Of meat dishes and he


  • intensifies the excitement of the muzhik;
  • the high content of protein.

In other articles of the web page that we also analyzed the response to the question on how to increase the sexual power, with the help of a technician.

In our next video-speaking of the more useful of the products of the power of the male population.

For those who want to be beautiful baby in the bedroom with the beloved, are also useful physical exercises, about which we told in another tutorial.

17. Pumpkin seeds


  • are rich in zinc, it strengthens the reproductive function and the strength of the men;
  • improves the hormonal status;
  • affect the normal synthesis of testosterone.

18. The dried dates

Is dried fruit dates are useful because:

  • increase much intercourse with a woman;
  • increase the working capacity of the male organs.

You can combine the dried fruits with other ingredients, to receive useful information and delicious blend.

We have written an article that describes home remedies for the increase of the power for the men.

19. The fresh juice of some vegetables and fruits

Which is especially useful for drinking:

  1. Pomegranate juice (improves the circulation of blood in the pelvis).
  2. Pumpkin juice (rich in zinc, useful for the maintenance of the sexual system).
  3. The juice of celery root (it increases a lot the level of testosterone in the body).
  4. Other juices rich in vitamin E.

The fineness of juice

You can combine drinks and drink immediately several in the day of the above.

It is best to drink is just that-squeezed juices, and not analogues of the counters of the store.

Those who were looking for the answer to the question of how to increase male power in the home for 1 day, we advise patience. And then the result will come.

Therefore, you are not going to be in the continuous search of these products the power of quick action in men.

20. Mare

What it does:

  • Mare improves the reproductive capacity;
  • the improvement of the activity in the bed, the strengthening of immunity;
  • increases the body's ability in sexual intimacy.

It is not recommended to people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.


21. Nuts

  1. the muscat;
  2. cedar;
  3. peanuts;
  4. the.


  • increase the functionality of the dignity of man;
  • increases combat readiness;
  • the improvement of the erectile functions of the authority.

You can combine the consumption of nuts along with honey, meat or nuts, which will only increase the effect.

22. Dairy products

  1. The kefir.
  2. The milk.
  3. Cottage Cheese.
  4. The curds.
  5. The sour cream.


  • Even enhance the production of the seed, the reproductive function.
  • Increase the duration of sexual intercourse. In another of our article we talked about how to increase the duration of sexual intercourse.
  • They mounted a complex of many vitamins. Therefore, milk and fermented products are a good answer to the question about what foods are good for the sexual potency of men.

23. The fig

It is useful because:

  • the fruit improves the ability to reproduce posterity;
  • strengthens the circulatory system;
  • in the east it's considered good to be an aphrodisiac.

24. The vegetable

  1. the celery;
  2. the parsley;
  3. the vegetable;
  4. the fennel;
  5. the spinach;
  6. the leaves of lettuce.

In the first place is the celery. Behind it as another vegetable.


  • increases the resistance in the bed.
  • affect beneficially in the production of sex hormones.

25. The grapes

  • It improves the circulation of blood.
  • It contains a lot of magnesium.
  • Cure male infertility.
  • It is useful and grape juice, especially freshly squeezed.

Remember about these shades, apply them, and you're going to know a lot about the way in which eat the power, and what foods increase the men sexual desire.

26. Some vegetables

  1. cabbage;
  2. onions;
  3. the beet;
  4. carrots;
  5. garlic;
  6. tomatoes.


  • normalizes the hormonal status;
  • increase the libido.

Can be consumed alone or as an accompaniment to other dishes.

It can be eaten raw or cooked.

Of what's worth the stop

  1. smoked;
  2. alcohol;
  3. beer contains female hormones);
  4. the excessive consumption of sugar or of salt;
  5. avoid the large consumption of cilantro (in small doses, harmless);
  6. coffee;
  7. of energy;
  8. fast food;
  9. soy contains an abundance of female hormones;
  10. the food fried in oil;
  11. spicy and fatty foods;
  12. the soy products;
  13. foods with a high content of cholesterol (mayonnaise, margarine, anchovies, liver pate and others);
  14. the yeast of the bread white.

And this is all. Now that you know the 26, good products for the power and the enhancement of the activity of the men in the bed.

To achieve the desired effect in this topic, we also recommend that you use the products from our web site.
