How to improve the sexual power in the home

The problem of the decrease of the power is especially serious. As soon as the erection becomes weak, the man begins to feel insecure, complex. To do in this difficult situation? Taking the pill is not the best option. Consult a doctor – there is not always time. In this article, you will read about how to quickly raising the sexual power in the home, without risk to health.

The causes of the reduction of sexual potency in men

That such potency in men

At first, we're going to see that as the potency in men, and what are its components. At the foot of the letter this is defined as the ability of action either. In our case, is an indicator of masculine strength, in a sense, the masculine and the foundation. Men are allowed to have a love life, and perform the reproductive function. Includes the following items:

  1. The erectile function – the ability of sexual contact, the stability of the erection.
  2. Libido – libido.
  3. The functionality of the sex cells – the speed of movement of sperm, its quality and resistance.
  4. The capacity for orgasm and ejaculation.

The main role in the maintenance of masculine strength belongs to the testosterone - male hormone. The higher the level of the hormone in the blood, the greater is the power.

The maximum concentration of testosterone in the blood occurs at the age of 27 to 30 years. It is the flowering of the sexual capacity of men. After 30 years of testosterone occurs less, but it is not the main reason for the reduction in the strength of virile, and there are others, we will examine later.

The causes of the reduction of sexual potency in men

Indicator of masculine strength depends on the following factors:

  1. Age. The greater the man, the greater the health problems. As a general rule, the first signs of reduction of the android function was observed after 40-45 years.
  2. The style of life. The imbalance of nutrition, excess of load, the fatigue, getting enough sleep, bad habits, can reduce sexual desire and virility.
  3. Of the disease. A different type of infections, reduction of immunity to chronic diseases that affect the sexual capacity of a young person, so they need time to heal and to pass prevention of health visits. Among the diseases dangerous to the male power are:
    • diseases of the dial: uretriti, prostatitis;
    • violation of the circulation of the blood (narrowing of the vessels in violation of the inflow to the genitals);
    • neurological disease (violation of the celebration of the impulses to the brain and to the genitals);
    • hormonal disorders;
    • emotional disorders (anxiety, phobias);
    • injuries and birth defects in the development of the sexual organs.
    The stress
  4. The excess of weight. The formation of the fat of the intermediate layer leads to the replacement of the testosterone into estrogen, which leads to a decrease of the sexual function.
  5. The psychological factors. It is a group of factors, in some cases, are one of the main causes of the low force male:
    • stress, depression;
    • the nervous tension;
    • the fears related to their sexual insolvency;
    • attitude towards women.

In other cases, sexual function can affect excessive other activities – work, professional career. The sexual desire when this loses its relevance and gradually shuts down.

All of the causes of low of the masculine strength depends on the age. If young guys impotence associated with psychological factors (anxiety, suppression of the erotic fantasies and desires, the criticism of the partner), men at the age of 40 years and older play an important role factors psycho – sickness and suffering of the disease and of the insolvency of the sexual.

How to improve the sexual power in the home

Improve the quality of sexual life can be with the help of various medicines. As a general rule, the greater part of the media refers to sexually transmitted diseases the stimulants that speed up the blood circulation and the flow of blood to the genitals. To improve erection, to prolong the sexual act, but the power does not improve. In addition, they have many contraindications.

Go to the doctor to decide, not everyone in the world, if only in the case when it is really "has caused", so that you can find ways to increase the power output by means of the phyto-therapeutic means. Let's look at the most well-known and effective methods.

Home remedies for sexual power of men of quick action

Home remedies for the power

Not all methods of phyto-therapy are equally helpful and safe. Many copied in the network of the home remedies for the power are not only useless, but are a threat to the health. In addition, you should always remember: the medicinal plants are of high allergenic potential, there can always be the immune response. What are the media increases the sexual power effectively and without risk?

  • The bow is the best friend of men. For the preparation it is recommended to take 3 bulbs of medium size. Grinding the raw materials to soft state. This can be done without going through the arc through a meat grinder or rub on a grater. Boil half liter of water. Give the liquid to cool. Now it is necessary to fill the raw materials and leave the mixture in 3 hours. Folds of the dosage of the medicines — half of the cup. During the day the tool taken three times before food.
  • Nuts. In truth, the legendary remedy for the treatment of impotence. Helps to increase the concentration of testosterone in the blood, relieves the inflammatory processes in the pelvic area (prostatitis also often results in the support of the erectile dysfunction). Take dry fruits can be simply deleted from its shell, and once you have the jelly or cooking. To prepare the broth take half a kilo of shelled walnuts, pour 2 liters of cold water. Boil for 10 minutes. Then, phyto-tool strain, allow to cool. Take 3 tablespoons a day on an empty stomach.
  • The raisins and the milk. 200 grams of raisins (best black) pour half a litre of milk. Boil the resulting tool. Then during the day, 2 to 3 times of eating all the raisins and drink the milk.
  • The carrots and the celery. Shred a medium carrot and 2 stalks of celery until soft state. The mixture of eat at 3 of the reception. The tool anti-inflammatory and a tonic.
  • The ginger. 100 or 200 grams are ground to a powder and prepare a glass of boiling water, are used as a tea 3-5 times a day. A portion of the root can be done 2 to 3 times, then make a new one.
  • Thyme is a natural stimulant of the development of the sex cells and release of the male hormone. To prepare the infusion take 1 tbsp of crushed plants and do in the glass of abrupt boiled water. Treatment: take orally by the half-glass after meals 2 times a day. The duration of the application: 3 to 6 months.
  • Catuaba a natural "viagra". Take 100 grams of the plants, pour a glass of boiling water, to insist within 3-4 hours and drink immediately before sexual intercourse or in the evening.
  • Lemongrass – activator of erectile function. 4 tablespoons of toasted seeds pour 1 liter of boiling water and insist for 3 hours. Drink half a cup 3 times a day for 10 to 14 days.
  • A real treasure of useful substances is the stinging nettle. The nettle has a double action: reduces inflammation and increases the concentration of testosterone in the blood. One of the recipes: take 200 grams of the root of a plant. Grind to a powder. Pour 300 ml of boiled water (hot). Leave 2 hours. Then, the medication strain. Take 2 tablespoons 2 times a day.
  • For the result was remarkable, the consumption of the media will have the patience and time (several weeks). And if you want to get an erection quickly and for a long time now? To do in this case? To do this, the scientists began a revolution in urology. Have developed a tool for the power without a prescription based on natural ingredients, which solves male problems already after the first dose, even after 60 years of age stone vertical will be guaranteed. The erection is obtained from the snapshot. The decision must be taken today, tomorrow will be late. Impotence is moving very fast.

The rest of the medicinal herbs should be avoided until consulting a doctor. Is great the risk of aggravating the problem: without the need to perform objective study, you can't say that was the cause of the decrease of the power. It is important to keep in mind: the recipes are effective if physiological of impotence (when the cause is in the defeat of the prostate or hormonal imbalances).

Exercises of power

Exercises of power in the home of the men

For the prevention and treatment of impotence, ideal for kegel exercises. Strictly speaking, this is not very complex. It is running the same type of exercises with different frequency and intensity. How to do this kind of gymnastics:

  • Get up gently. To relax the body. With all the forces to stretch the muscles that surround the prostate. Do this in the first stage is not easy. To understand what is the feeling that you must produce and where it is specified as anatomy, recommended for the start of interrupt the process of urination (2-3 times). Stay in an intense state for 3 seconds.
  • Should now be back to relax. The duration of the break — 2-3 seconds.
  • Exercises increase the power of 10 times. During the day you should do 3 sets.
  • As soon as an understanding of the technique and the addiction to the load, it is necessary to increase the intensity of the occupations, raising the number of approaches to 5.
  • The complex kegel perform each day, for 2 weeks.

The therapeutic effect is reflected in 3-5 business days.

Products for sexual power in men of quick action

Men of the force, the ability to perform a full sexual act many considered as a sign of wealth, in quality of representative of the stronger sex. Even outside of the violations of libido and potency, in the course are the drugs such as Viagra and other. However, there is no sense of drinking, drugs, when not needed much more respected and effective. In this unpleasant situation will help products for sexual potency in men with quick action. The correction of the diet allows you to achieve a result.

Products improve the sexual potency in men

Mainly of plant origin, products increase potency in men at the moment are not expensive, and each person can afford. We will see more effective and easy to access:

  1. The onion and the garlic. Contain useful compounds capable of normalizing the blood stream, strengthen the assurance of the blood of the penis. And the onions, and the garlic contributing to the development of the male hormones, the testosterone, raising the libido.
  2. The avocado. Positively influences the quality of the erection, preventing the processes of oxidation. The systematic use allows you to improve the strength of male.
  3. Nuts. The effect occurs instantly. It requires several days.
  4. The oysters and mussels. The best seafood in strengthening the erectile function and the male power. Act powerful aphrodisiacs.
  5. Grenades. It normalizes the microcirculation in the pelvic area. It is used to strengthen the blood vessels and the strengthening of the power, it is best to use the system with other products.
  6. Chocolate, natural, dark. The tool of fast action. Allows you to achieve an instant effect thanks to stimulate the secretion of endorphins and serotonin. It also has properties that enhance the blood flow in the pelvis. And thanks to the presence in its composition of antioxidants can be obtained quickly and the improvement of the quality of the power, of the renewal of the sexual relationship.
  7. The products of beekeeping. The honey, the ambrosia. Contribute to the synthesis of testosterone. The natural foods since they increase the flow of blood, the rate of filling of the penis with blood, the resistance and the stability of the erection.
  8. Quail eggs. They contain essential amino acids that are involved in the processes of rehabilitation in the reproductive system. They are suitable to raise the libido and sexual potency.
  9. The citrus fruit. Lemons, oranges. Normalize the flow of blood, increase the duration of sexual intercourse.
  10. The pumpkin seeds.
The pomegranate juice

Drinks that increase the strength male

Thus, we can highlight:

  • Pomegranate juice, juice of citrus fruits.
  • Beaten raw eggs (egg nog, sugar-free). Allows you to increase the firmness of the erection and the duration of the sexual relationship.
  • The grape juice.
  • Low-fat kefir milk.
  • Mare.
  • Berries cooking.

The list is incomplete. Products that influence the potency in men, and drinks based on them, have several properties in which is based the effectiveness of:

  • The ability to strengthen the blood flow in the pelvis, extend the vessels.
  • The ability to prevent oxidation, thus to prolong the erection.
  • The saturation of the organism of substances that stimulate the natural sexual desire. As well increasing the libido of the connections are serotonin, dopamine, endorphin.
  • The possibility of restoring the operation of the reproductive system and to upgrade to the cellular level.

Products that enhance the sexual potency, it should be ok in a systematic way. They must become an organic part of the diet. But without luxuries.

What is bad to eat and drink to the power

Harmful products:

  • The excess of sugar and salt.
  • Cured.
  • The alcohol. Especially the beer.
  • The fast-food.
  • Pre-cooked, canned food.
  • Acute of the kitchen.
  • And fried food.
  • The soy bean.
  • The coffee.

Foods with high cholesterol content: going to buy sauces, fatty meats, primarily. Others can be consumed in limited quantities. Eggs, butter and liver do not account. They are harmless. These products are diametrically opposed properties. Influence on the hormonal status and the quality of the circulation of the blood in the pelvis. Diet to improve the strength of male can be collected independently on the basis of the recommendations. Correction of the diet which will give better results than the medications.

Other recommendations

Physiological impotence aliviaXia quickly. It is important to follow some recommendations:

  • Strict of the diet. More products vegetables, less meat and products of animal origin.
  • There are smoking rooms. Is called atherosclerosis of the vessels of the pelvis, by altering the blood circulation of the genitals and prostate.
  • Of the house, it is recommended to perform the light load. Physical exercise helps to normalize the hormonal status. To be jealous is not worth: the excess of physical activity will lead to the return of an effect.

Increase the power, without a visit to a health facility is possible. Important to follow a systemic approach: the change of life-style, the application of herbal remedies, the execution of kegel exercises. This is the "therapeutic triad", which will help you quickly deal with the problem.